Monday, October 1, 2012

Autumnal Advice

Autumn might be my favorite time of year.  The perfect temperatures, the beautiful colors, the upcoming holidays - all combine for a nice, warm feeling inside.  But it can also mean extra yard work, lengthy honey-do lists, and multiple trips to the garden or home store.

Balancing what should be enjoyed with what has to be done is a difficult task that can create far more stress than it's worth.  So think of your time this way - if you spend 5 hours cleaning gutters, raking and bagging leaves, and trimming shrubs, then spend an hour in a warm shower and a rubdown with muscle balm, then are too exhausted and sore to go to the evening's dinner with friends, bonfire or football game - well, what have you gained?  You've saved a few dollars, but you've lost something much more valuable.

Time is a treasured commodity, and the time we are able to spend with family and friends has a value beyond any dollar amount.  Timesavers wants your time to be spent in a way that is most fulfilling for you and your family, and we are here to help! 

When you look at your yard, look at the rake, look at the ladder, and look at the clock, just turn around and pick up the phone.  The dollars you spend on Timesavers services will be insignificant compared to the time and freedom you will gain to spend making memories and enjoying those people you might not see often or who might be getting on in years. 

It's all a balancing act, so make sure your beautiful autumnal season is filled with just the right balance.  You won't regret it.

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